Abishekams to Lord Natarajar can only be performed on six different days during a year.
Those are Sravana (Thiruvonam) star in the Tamil month of Sitthirai, Valarpirai (waxing moon) Chaturdasi tithis in the Tamil Months of Aavani, Purattathi and Maasi, Aani Uttharam and Ardhra star of the Tamil month of Markazhi (the last day of the Thiruvempavai period).
At this temple, a special Homa and Nadesarabishekam is performed in the early mornings for Aani Uttharam and Ardhra star of Markazhi. Other four Nadesarabishekam and Homa are performed in the evenings. All six Nadesarabishekams and Homas are available for devotees for sponsoring.
An Ashdodhranama Archanai is performed during the Natarajar Dharsanam at the Vasantha Mandapam. Devotees who would like to include their names included in this should purchase the ticket from the office prior to the beginning of the Vasantha Mandapa pooja.