The Calendar New Year (January 1st) is celebrated with a Homa and Snabana Kumba Abishekam for Lord Ganesha followed by an inside procession. While this is not considered as a date of Hindu religious significance, many devotes visit the Temple to seek God’s blessings on this day to start the new calendar year. A special Homa is performed at this Temple for Lord Ganesha in the morning and Lord Ganesha procession will take place immediately after the pooja. Devotees can sponsor the Homa. An Ashdodhranama Archanai is performed during the Vasantha Mandapam pooja. Devotees who would like to include their names included in this should purchase the ticket from the office prior to the beginning of the Vasantha Mandapa pooja. It should be noted that the Temple also celebrates the Tamil New Year that occurs during the month of April, where the Tamil calendar year begins.