The Hindu festival of Thaipusam commemorates the day when Goddess Parvathi gave her son Lord Muruga an invincible lance with which he destroyed evil demons.
To mark this day of penance and thanksgiving, some Hindus pierce their body with metal skewers and carry pots of milk (Paal Kavadi). At this Temple, a special Homa is performed for Lord Pazhani Aandavar in the Morning and devotees circumambulate the temple with milk pots (Paal Kavadi).
The milk will be used by the priests for Lord Pazhani Aandavar Abishekam. In the evening, a special pooja is performed for Lord Subramaniyar followed by a procession inside the temple. Devotees can sponsor the morning Homa and evening Special Pooja. An Ashdodhranama Archanai is performed during the Vasantha Mandapam pooja (both morning and evening). Devotees who would like to include their names included in this should purchase the ticket from the office prior to the beginning of the Vasantha Mandapa pooja.